Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Time to set it off!

Well it's about time I got things rolling here, so I've got a few pieces which I've been working on that I'll post. I'll be updating this blog with portfolio paintings, and some that I've done for myself. I draw my inspiration from many sources ranging from movies and games, to certain moments in life which fascinate me. Comments and critiques are always welcome.

And now for the goods; I always find it interesting how vastly different a finished painting can become from the point of its inception as a simple sketch, to the finished product. When I started this drawing, I just had a vague idea about coming up with an intimidating beast. And well, this is where it went.

And these are just some quick character concepts I did.

More coming soon!

1 comment:

Voldemort said...

Oh wow, these are really good. It looks hard, though. That's what she said.